想找個與眾分歧的寵物?浣熊?那麼,在收養它們之前,翻譯公司可真得先三思才後行了翻譯也許,你會認為它們只不外是小頑皮而已,可不僅如斯,它們還具有危險性。我們大大都人,一般都是在漫畫中或有趣的家庭錄影中,才接觸到這類毛茸茸的、 “帶著花面具”的生物。就像以下的這段錄影,很好地說明我們人類為什麼在這類野生生物的眼前會下降警惕與防範。錄影裏一群浣熊正在街道上向人們懇求著冰淇淋,如許的情形對動物快樂喜愛者來講,簡直是無與倫比的可愛翻譯許多時辰,浣熊會暗暗地出沒在你家的周圍,尋覓食物。根據我小我的經驗所得,它們喜好在晚上動作,接下來這段有趣錄影就講到,浣熊是若何去偷貓兒的食品。天啊,又是一段可愛得受不了的錄影,現在我真想有個寵物浣熊了,讓它來好好地“困擾”下我的懶貓。但是,事實上,浣熊屬於野生動物,是以,在你的寵物,孩子,乃至是祖母接近它們的時刻,請謹記以下警告。
英文翻譯>:When you see a raccoon in the wild, just remember… you don’t know where it’s been. It may carry dangerous diseases, like rabies. You get bit; you’re in for some painful medical treatment. Your pets get bit; you may have to put them down.
英文翻譯>:So, just play it safe. Get your raccoon fix on youtube. Your pets will thank you.
英文翻譯>:raccoons raised as pets can still be dangerous. A man was attacked by the raccoon he kept as a pet for 3 years.
是以,請以安全的方式來與你的浣熊“交往”翻譯最好把它“限定”在YOUTUBE 上,如許,
英文翻譯>:More recently翻譯社 a
英文翻譯>:Raccoon Attacks:
英文翻譯>:Looking for an unusual pet? Well翻譯社 think twice before picking a raccoon. You may think they’re just pesky scamps. But they can also be dangerous creatures.For most of us, our only exposure to these furry, masked creatures is cartoons or cute home video like the one below. This video is the perfect example of why we humans have let our guard down around these wild creatures. In what may be the most adorable video for animal lovers, here’s a pack of raccoon begging on the street for ice cream.Most often, they’ll come sneaking around your house looking for food. While my personal experience is that they like to come at night翻譯社 here’s a cute video of a raccoon trying to steal food from a cat.Once again, a darn cute video. This even makes me want to have a pet raccoon, if for the only reason to pester my lazy cats. However, raccoons are indeed wild animals. Here are some important warnings to remember before letting your children翻譯社 your pets or even your grandmother anywhere close to a raccoon.
英文翻譯>:This past September翻譯社 a series of raccoon attacks in a town near
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